We are a company with Polish capital dealing with mechanical processes typical for a tooling production. Our goal is to provide comprehensive services to industrial customers – first of all manufacturing companies.
Thanks to our competence in the field of machining, we are a reliable partner for many companies. We are focused on long-term cooperation. Our clients and their needs determine the directions of our further development.
We work with a carefully selected group of partners, which allows us to complete our production capabilities and complements our offer. They ensure, among others heat, chemical and surface treatment.
Our specialty is precise machining, carried out on a modern, constantly developed machine park. In CNC machining we use CAM software, which enables us to process the most complex shapes.
Naszą specjalizacją jest precyzyjna obróbka skrawaniem, realizowana na nowoczesnym, ciągle rozwijanym parku maszynowym. W obróbce CNC wykorzystujemy oprogramowanie CAM , które umożliwia nam obróbkę najbardziej złożonych kształtów.
We have CNC milling machining centers, CNC lathes, EDM machines, grinders and a coordinate measuring machine.
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Quality, precision and experience
We provide our experience and advice at every stage of projects that we run.
Supervision over the production process and insightful final control allows us to ensure the perfect quality of our products.
Na każdym etapie realizowanych projektów służymy naszym doświadczeniem w zakresie doboru materiałów, zastosowania optymalnej obróbki cieplnej oraz powierzchniowej.
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